Are you struggling to initiate your projects?

If you struggle with engaging your project stakeholders, if your project sponsor needs to clarify the project vision, if you're not sure how to obtain project approval, if you want your project team to be clear about the project goals and deliverables; then learn how to develop your project charter today!

Project Charter. A document issued by the project initiator or sponsor that formally authorizes the existence of a project and provides the project manager with the authority to apply organizational resources to project activities. —PMBOK 6th Edition

The Project Management Troubles

A project has many moving parts. When you start getting into it, you quickly find more questions than answers.

  • How will I engage the stakeholders and actually understand their needs?
  • Where will scope creep most likely occur?
  • How can I ensure good participation in my project?
  • What tools and techniques should I use to elicit and analyze requirements?
  • How will I know if I have enough budget to handle my risks?
  • Where are the opportunities that I should exploit?
  • What outside influences may cause problems?
  • How can we keep from wasting time and working unnecessary long hours?
  • Will this project help or harm my career?

It's an endless rabbit hole of trying to get everything going in the same direction. You fix one problem and create two. Creating a project charter provides the context and basis to answer these questions.

The Highly Scalable Approach

The Highly Scalable Approach. The project charter process is so scalable and SO beneficial. What I mean is this: for a small project you may write your charter quickly. For large, complex projects, you may invest more time to engage your stakeholders and facilitate agreement and buy-in to the project.

    The Little Known “Project Sponsor-Project Manager” Effect

Positive things happen when the Project Sponsor and the Project Manager work together in crafting a project charter. Not only is communication improved, relationships can be further developed and strengthened.

The Secret Sauce for Writing Clear Project Goals

We know that we should write SMART goals, but how? Discover a simple, yet powerful formula for writing clear project goals.

    The Four Project Charter Checkpoints

How will you know if you've created an awesome charter? You will learn four checkpoints that will greatly improve the quality and fit of your charters.

The 16 Powerful Elements of a Project Charter

Everyone knows to include your project goals and assumptions in a charter. But do you know the other elements to consider for your charters? 

    How to Use the Project Charter After Initiation

Sometimes I'm asked how I use a project charter after the project has been approved. Great question! There are several ways we can get additional value from the charter. For example, you can use the charter in your project kick-off meeting to help your stakeholders understand the project. We'll look at other uses too.

What the Project Charter Course is NOT...

I want to set the right expectations, here. The Project Charter Course is not what you expect from your typical, average online course.

The Project Charter Course is Not a Passive "Information Download"

This course is not about just sitting back learning a bunch of theory and then doing nothing with it. This is an action-packed course. The purpose is NOT to hear a lot of information. It's to guide you through a system of exercises and actions, that allow you to create your own project charters.

The Project Charter Course is Not About Project Sponsors & Project Managers Acting as Lone Rangers

You will NOT find instructions for project managers to write project charters in a closet. And then checking a box that it's done. None of that here! The purpose of writing a project charter goes much deeper—it's a tool for engaging stakeholders, resolving conflicts early, and removing obstacles for smooth, clear passage of the project.

One of many things that differentiates this online course is the Start Writing Your Project Charter Today eBook. At no additional cost, you will receive your own copy. Filled with more than 30 pages of tips to help you create project charters and overcome many of the typical problems project managers encounter later.

The Project Charter Framework

Not sure how to develop a charter? I will walk you through the process, step by step. You'll learn about each milestone and how you can use a different level of rigor for each project. 

Who is this course for?

Anyone who is responsible for creating project charters will benefit from this course. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Project Managers
  • Project Sponsor
  • Chief Executive Officers
  • Team Leaders
  • Project Team Members
  • Vice President or Director of PMO
  • Consultants
  • For-Profit and Non-Profit Organizations

About Your Instructor

Hey guys. I'm Harry Hall, the Project Risk Coach. I have managed projects for more than 20 years. I am a Project Management Professional (PMP) and Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP). I've implemented three PMOs and two Enterprise Risk Management Programs. Additionally, I am a graduate of the University of Georgia plus I have an Associate in Risk Management–Enterprise Risk Management (ARM-E).  

What do I enjoy doing most? I love to teach. And I've taught hundreds of project managers around the world in many different industries.

I think of myself as a tour guide. I guide my students and provide information and tips along the way. But ultimately, I leave the application up to you the project manager. You ultimately determine how to apply the principles. 

What people are saying...

The instructor clearly states what he is going to cover and then covers it in just the right amount of detail. —James Smith

Excellent delivery and materials. Simple yet complete. —Tom Miller

Highly recommend this course if you're new to project management. It's simple and to the point. No fluff - just 'how to.' Use it as a guide for your team - so they can start (and complete) a project fast.  Great job. —Learning Learning

Start Writing Your Project Charters!

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What if I've never created a project charter?

Our organization does not create project charters. Is it really worth the effort?

Will I get future updates to this course?

Can I take the course at my own pace?

So, where is the Project Sponsor?

Does this work for Agile?
