The RAID log serves as a central repository for documenting, monitoring, and managing critical project elements throughout the project lifecycle. It helps in ensuring that potential problems are identified, prioritized, and addressed promptly, facilitating better communication among project stakeholders and contributing to the overall success of the project.

RAID Log Definition
RAID Log. A project management tool used by project managers to capture and track Risks, Actions, Issues, and Decisions.
The PMBOK® Guide defines risk as "an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on a project's objectives." Dr. David Hillson defines risk as "uncertainty that matters."
When project managers and their team members identify risks, they should capture the risk in a repository. Many project managers use a risk register.
Other project managers use a RAID log where R stands for Risks. Like a risk register, the R section of the RAID log includes elements such as:
- Risk ID
- Risk Title
- Risk Description/Statement
- Risk Category
- Probability Risk Rating
- Impact Risk Rating
- Risk Score
- Risk Response Strategy (e.g., mitigation, transfer)
- Risk Owner
- Risk Trigger
- Risk Response Plan
Actions or Assumptions
The A is RAID may stand for Actions. As a project progresses, the project manager and team must keep track of action items which include:
- Action Item ID
- Date
- Status (Open/Closed)
- Priority (Low, Medium, High)
- Action Owner
- Action to be Taken
- Due Date
- Action Taken
Another option for A is Assumptions. The PMBOK® Guide defines assumption as "a factor in the planning process that is considered to be true, real, or certain, without proof or demonstration." Assumptions may include:
- Assumption ID
- Category
- Assumption
- Assumption Owner
- Due Date
- Status
- Actions Taken
The project manager and team should review and update the assumptions periodically. Assumptions may give rise to risks which should also be captured.

The I in RAID stands for Issues. When risks/threats occur, they become project issues. Issues must be managed and are assigned to someone to develop and implement a response. Issues include:
- Issue ID
- Issue Title
- Issue Type/Category
- Reported By
- Open Date
- Description
- Priority
- Assigned To
- Target Date
- Status (Open, In Progress, Done)
- Resolution
- Close Date
Decisions or Dependencies
Finally, the D is RAID stands for Decisions. Projects involve many decisions. Keeping up with who made the decisions, when each was made, and the actual decisions can be difficult if not recorded. A decision log may include:
- Decision ID
- Date
- Status
- Decision
- Agreed By
- Notes
Commercial RAID Log Example
You may create your own RAID log using a spreadsheet, for example. However, you may wish to check out an commercial, integrated solution such as